Child Development
Small Talk
A fun and fast-paced overview of speech and language development and foundational social skills for birth to five years of age with an open format question and answer time included.
I am the Grown Up… I am the Grown Up…
Do you ever feel like WWIII has broken out in your home and you’re on the losing side? Considering your child’s nervous system development, this talk offers practical tips for staying one step ahead in the game of “Who’s the Boss?”.
The Power of Play
What is, "play"? It’s NOT what you think and it’s on the childhood development endangered species list. This talk focuses on “Play 101” and how learning to entertain oneself can yield life-long benefits.
Top 5 Reasons Rainy Days Make Mommy Cry
This talk provides a brief overview of nervous system development and equips Moms to address the sensory system to facilitate optimal behavior in children. There is sanity at the end of the rainbow!
What to do with Picky Eaters
Tired of being short order chef to one finicky baby bird? This talk explores the difference between picky eaters and “eating disorders” and equips Moms to find peace at mealtimes.
Mommy’s Magic Purse
Ever held hostage by your three-year-old in Wal-mart? This talk addresses basic prevention of “attention-getting” behaviors and practical tips for getting the behavior you want when you’re on the run. Recommended after “I am the Grown Up…”
Play Nice With the Dragon
Most two-year-olds can use a cell phone. In a digital world, how do we structure screen time in learning environments to maximize the benefits of technology while keeping children safe? Discuss the latest research and guidelines for using technology in classrooms serving toddlers, preschooler and primary aged children.
Find out what it means to Mom! Eyeballs rolling, hips popping, and huffing like a linebacker? Respect is difficult to master when the human spirit demands its own way! This talk covers the tricky subject of respect –what it is and how to give it. With a little help in perspective talking, kids (and parents) can come a long way in a short time!
(Best for MomsNEXT group with kids 5and older)
Family Development
Celebrating Christmas with Kids
December moves with the momentum of a freight train. How do we make time to create meaningful moments? This talk is packed with over 70 practical and fun ideas for making memories with those you love most. 60 minutes
Fabulous Fall!
Apples, leaves, and pumpkins surround us in this glorious change of seasons! This talk covers over 45 different ways to have fun in Fall including the sticky subject of Halloween.
Reclaiming Thanksgiving
Squashed between two mega-revenue producing holidays, Thanksgiving has lost its identity. This talk covers the origins of Thanksgiving and practical ways to make giving thanks a regular part of family life.
Once booked, your organization will receive a link to handouts and Discussion Questions.